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Undergraduate Degree & Minor in Secondary Education


你准备好改变初中生和高中生的生活了吗? 拥有ladbrokes立博中文版的中学教育学士学位, 你将为你的第一个州执照做好准备,在马萨诸塞州教初中或高中(6-12年级),并塑造青少年的生活.

Housed in BSU’s Department of Secondary Education and Educational Leadership, 我们的中等教育学士学位课程允许你在中等教育和你想教的内容领域主修双学位, from English or math to theater or dance.

For more than 180 years, BSU帮助像你这样有抱负的老师提高他们的技能, earn a teaching degree and grow into educators. 我们也比马萨诸塞州其他任何一所大学毕业的教师都多.

Bachelor of Secondary Education Program Highlights


Learn while doing

当你在北京州立大学攻读中等教育学士学位时, you will prepare for your initial teaching licensure, observe classrooms, student teach and more.

Pick your passion

中等教育学位能帮你实现你的目标吗? While earning your degree in secondary education, 你将主修你选择的内容领域:生物学, dance, science, English, mathematics, theater — whichever subject you enjoy and want to teach. 如果你想教历史或社会研究,你也可以辅修社会研究. 这门辅修课程通过政治学课程深入研究人类如何构建社会, geography and economics.

Use cutting-edge technology

想要体验独特的工具,这些工具帮助我们成为苹果杰出学校,并为我们的学校和教师赢得了当地和全国的认可? 看看能提供模拟课堂体验的虚拟化身,无人机等等. 同时在北京州立大学攻读中等教育学士学位, 你可以使用这些令人印象深刻的技术和更多的东西来帮助你学习和教学.

Find a community of teachers

中等教育学位对你的职业关系网有什么帮助? 当你在北京州立大学攻读中等教育学士学位时, you can connect and collaborate with your peers. 加入关注学校种族公正等重要问题的读书小组, 参加Greenlight for Girls年度项目,该项目致力于让女孩参与STEM(科学), technology, engineering, and math) fields, 或者自愿为高中生提供一对一的虚拟辅导.

Support when you need it

作为教育者,你们的导师理解你们所面临的挑战. They can offer guidance to help you juggle responsibilities, 你的导师可以帮助你在中学教育项目中获得学士学位. 在你获得教师学位的过程中,你是否需要帮助来规划你的未来 Career Services and the College of Education and Health Sciences 也能帮助你与学区和其他潜在雇主建立联系吗.

Program of Study for Education Majors and Minors

What is a secondary education degree program going to entail? While working toward your teaching degree at BSU, you’ll study myriad topics, from adolescent development to educational theory. Then, 您将学习如何将这些技能与您的内容知识相结合,以开发创新的教学策略.

Your BA secondary education courses may include:

  • Learning, Motivation and Teaching
  • Strategies for Teaching Middle/High School – Mathematics
  • 英语作为第二语言/外语教学中的文化问题
  • Student Teaching


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BSU is doing a great job getting these kids ready to teach. I always interview BSU candidates; I know they are ready to teach.”
School administrator

Careers in Secondary Education

教师短缺仍然是美国各地的一个问题,包括马萨诸塞州. 预计对训练有素的教师的需求将继续增加. If you want to become a teacher, 现在是获得教师学位和初始执照的好时机.

中等教育学位对你的未来有什么用? 你在北京州立大学获得的中学教育学士学位将为你提供知识, 你在马萨诸塞州的第一份教学工作所需要的教学技巧和课堂经验.

大多数拥有中等教育学士学位的BSU毕业生继续在公立中学和高中任教, but you may also teach in private or parochial schools, 以社区为基础的美术项目或其他需要教学技能的机构.

我们的中学教育课程和教学学位受到马萨诸塞州东南部学区的高度重视. 许多学校负责人和校长通过我们的教育领导研究生课程获得了行政许可, too, and turn to BSU first for well-prepared new teachers.


美国马萨诸塞州中学教师的平均年薪.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)

3 students in a Secondary Education class, 前景中的一位女士在她的办公桌前微笑,她面前放着文件,手里拿着笔


In addition to your undergraduate teaching degree, 将你的马萨诸塞州教学执照提升到专业水平, you must also complete a master’s degree program.

BSU的中等教育学士学位将为你进入BSU众多教育研究生课程之一奠定基础, including:

  • Educational Leadership, MEd
  • Special Education, MEd
  • Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, MAT